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Lot 9 - JDH Lady Manso 257/1

High bid
6 years 29 weeks 2 days 16 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Manso 257/1
Registered Brahman
JDH Nieto de Manso 646/3
JDH Lady Manso 867
BW: 3.0 WW: 16.1 YW: 22.7 M: 5.0
J.D. Hudgins Inc.

Lot 9 JDH Lady Manso 257/1

Truly offering our best! JDH Lady Manso 257/1 comes straight from our show barn and we think is one of the picks of the Fall 2016 calf crop based on her deep bodied, heavy muscled build and her impeccable pedigree. She is sired by JDH Nieto De Manso 646/3 that Mark Forgason sold to Brazil for $200,000 due to his production, ideal phenotype and outcross pedigree. The dam to 257/1 is JDH Lady Manso 867 one of our young donors and a top daughter of JDH Mr. Manso 887/4 that is known for producing outstanding females. 867 is extremely fertile, as is her dam who has produced 5 calves all within 365 days of each other, and has already produced a high selling bulls in our Genetics on Parade Sale. Again, just like so many of the other females in this sale, if you are looking for the female that has the ideal build and combines it with a breed leading pedigree 257/1 is one to bid on!

ACTUAL BW: 70 EPDS: BW: 3.0 WW: 16.1 YW: 22.7 M: 5.0

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