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Lot 8 - Miss V8 420/6

High bid
9 years 34 weeks 2 days 12 hours 48 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 420/6
+Mr. V8 189/4
Miss V8 708/5
BW: +2.8 WW: +19.7 YW: +28.3

Miss V8 420/6 (Polled)


Sells with polled bull calf, Mr. V8 592/7, sired by Barzee 851/3 DOB: 2-24-14 BW: 67. Exposed by to Mr. V8 675/6.


A very gentle, polled +Mr. V8 189/4 daughter that was shown as a calf and is still very calm and quiet. This cow is very straight topped, has the neat clean udder +189/4 is known throughout the world for and passes a very clean underline. Her dam is a half sister to +Miss V8 98/6 (P) cow, but sired by JDH Mr. Manso 288/1, a Dakota son. She has produced polled claves 75% of the time when mated to horned bulls. She has 2 polled Mr. V8 960/5 daughters here in production at V8, with one selling in this sale as lot 9. We have flushed Miss V8 420/6 and she is a high embryo producer. We are retaining some embryos from her in our tank at V8 and as an added bonus selling 2 lots of embryos sired by Mr. V8 51/6(P). They are lots 8A and 8B.


When you look at the EPD’s on this polled cow, you have to be impressed. In 9 different traits and measurements, she ranks in the top 35% of the breed. In retail product and tenderness she ranks in the top 10%.


She sells with a very clean sheathed, polled, light birth weight bull calf that is also a nice prospect. The demand for polled bulls, especially with light weight BW and tight sheath is very high. A nice prospect.


If you want a proven polled donor cow, we highly recommend Miss V8 420/6.





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