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Lot - 7 - SRS MISS NICKI 555/0

High bid
3 years 30 weeks 4 days 38 min 52 sec ago
Lot Information:
Sire: + MR V8 458/7 "NOBLE"
Dam: MISS RB 633/3

SRS Miss Nicki 555/0 is a flushmate to Kona 551/0 who also sells.  Just like the other genetically similar lots Nicki is well built, comes with an outstanding performance profile, and a proven pedigree.  All 4 of these females are similar and we would expect to perform likewise.  This makes it fun as you really can’t wrong so relax and pick the one that you like best!  If you’ve read the above descriptions, you know that +Mr. V8 458/7 is the hottest thing going as validated by his progeny winning more shows than any other sire during the 2019 show season.  The dam to Nicki is our proven donor, Miss RB 633/3, that is a full sister to “Ring King” and “Emma Price” who were many time winners and have since gone on to produce superior offspring who have also continued the winning tradition.  We can give you all of the information that we want but in reality the decision is yours and we have done the work to provide you with a proven product.  Buy these heifers with confidence and we look forward to seeing the success they play in your program!

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Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7 "Noble"
Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7 "Noble"
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Dam: Miss RB 633/3
Dam: Miss RB 633/3

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