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Lot 7 - Miss V8 469/7 + bull calf

High bid
9 years 34 weeks 2 days 14 hours 18 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 469/7
+JDH Sir Avery Manso
+JDH Marri Holly Manso
BW: +3.2 WW: +25.5 YW: +40.0

Sells with a bull calf at side, Mr. V8 643/7, sired by Barzee’s 851/3. DOB: 4/17/14 BW: 52 lbs. Exposed back to Mr. V8 675/6.


A young four year old, there won’t be many females sell this year with a cleaner neat underline and udder as Miss V8 469/7. This is one nice, easy keeping gentle +Avery daughter out of the National Grand Champion +JDH Marri Holly Manso 50/6 cow. If she isn’t bred back, she needs to go straight into an embryo program and flushed. Imagine this +Avery daughter flushed to +380/6 or one of his sons.


This sale attraction is a full sister to the former International Grand Champion and Show Cow of the Year Miss V8 954/6. She is also a full sister to notable herd sires 614/6, 616/6, 620/6 and a half sister to herd sire 313/7. We just sold ½ interest in another full brother to Steve and Nancy Martin. He is outstanding also. The Holly cow has produced 11 full sisters that have been kept here at the ranch for replacements. See the footnotes on the Mr. V8 620/6 bull selling in the semen section also. Volumes could be written about this straight Hudgins bred cow. She will be a sound investment and offers a wide selection of bulls to use when flushed.


From an EPD standpoint, she has great numbers, particularly in rib eye area being in the top 1% of the breed with a +.54 REA! She also ranks in the top 5% for carcass weight and retail product. As an added bonus, from a growth and weight standpoint she is in the top 10% for both WW and YW. Quite impressive.

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