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Lot 7 - Miss JH 003/8

High bid
5 years 42 weeks 4 days 6 hours 34 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss JH 003/8
Mr. V8 458/7 "Noble" #919887
Miss V8 324/8 #943526
BW: 3.1 WW: 45.2 YW:73.2 M: 5.6
JH Ranch

JH Ranch is a partnership between Jeff Harris and Mickey Bell.  These two progressive minded marketers have joined forces and are utilizing their experiences to develop an elite Brahman herd.  Their four heifers in this sale are the results of one of their first calf crops and as you can see they are on the right track.  Miss JH 003/8 is a daughter of Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” one of the most popular sires in the Brahman breed who in his first calf crop sired an International Champion Bull, Reserve International Champion Female and a National Champion Get of Sire.  Not only is Noble producing show ring winners but also offspring that perform as evident of his #1 ranking in the breed for WW, YW and Docility which can be seen in JH 003/8.  The dam to this genetically elite female is a polled cow that was purchased from one of the V8 Ranch Online Sales who is a daughter of Mr. V8 830/6 and Miss V8 510/6.  Most students of the breed will pick up on several important points in the bottom side of this pedigree.  First, Mr. V8 830/6 is a former show bull for V8 Ranch that was used successfully by them, a flushmate to the International Champion Cow +Miss V8 137/7, and the result of two International Champion parents.  Miss V8 510/6 is a proven dam having produced Mr. V8 279/7 the high selling bull in the V8 Ranch Online Sale that has been used successfully, Mr. V8 794/7 the polled sire that has gained a lot of attention, and the National Champion Miss V8 100/7 who is the dam to Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble”.  In studying this pedigree you will realize that the polled matriarch of V8 Ranch +Miss V8 98/6 is included twice!  If you are in pursuit of some of the most popular and proven genetics then be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!  

The registration on Miss JH 003/8 has been submitted to ABBA and should be processed in the next few weeks. 

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