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Lot 6 - Miss V8 156/7 + bull calf

High bid
9 years 34 weeks 2 days 16 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 156/7
+Mr. V8 901/4
Miss V8 176/6
BW: +1.5 WW: +21.3 YW: +35.6

Sells with a bull calf at side, Mr. V8 631/7, sired by Mr. V8 977/6. DOB: 4/6/14 BW: 71 lbs. Exposed back to Mr. V8 675/6.


An own daughter of the International Grand Champion +Mr. V8 901/4 and out of a +Karu daughter Miss V8 176/6. This very gentle former show cow has a beautiful udder, is a very heavy milker that originates from a powerful cow family. The dam, Miss V8 176/6, was a powerful, very massive yet clean underline donor cow whose dam, Miss V8 609/5, was a full sister to Superstroke, +Mr. V8 287/5. Cow wise and performance wise it can’t get much better. Miss V8 156/7 in the top 20% for 7 EPD traits and is in the top 5% of the entire Brahman breed for rib eye area and retail product. She also is in the top 10% for tenderness. Quite impressive.


She has a dark pigmented, very clean sheathed herd bull prospect at side. Very stylish, as an added bonus he has a very light, actual birth weight of 71 lbs. He will be unique in that he will have powerful growth EPD’s and carcass EPD’s but will still maintain that much need light birth weight.


Only a 5 year old cow, this is a future donor prospect who’s production has just begun.

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