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Lot 6 - Miss Triple C 10/9

High bid
4 years 1 week 4 days 20 hours 4 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Triple C 10/9
JDH Sir Cristos Manso
Miss Triple C 212

Miss Triple C 10/9 is a yearling heifer with a bright future ahead of her.  This JDH MR. JOJO Manso granddaughter is impressive to examine on the hoof, as she is able to pack so much boldness and natural dimension on an extremely sound skeleton.  What may be the most impressive about 10/9 is her natural ability to combine all of her extra product in a feminine and refined package.  She is sired by JDH Sir Cristos Manso 173/2 that has been producing quality cattle for Double A Ranch.  He produced the last years high seller in the "Sweet Senorita's IV" sale selling for $18,000.00.  This heifer's Dam has been a functional and productive female that has some well knpwn names in her pedigree such as Mr. V8 846/5, "The Rock", and Miss V8 495/5.

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