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Lot 6 - Miss SNS Dora 17/9

High bid
3 years 31 weeks 13 hours 7 min 7 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss SNS Dora 17/9
Sire: Mr SNS Lawless 225/4
Dam: Miss SNS Monica 756/6
BW: 1.5 WW: 29.7 YW: 45.2 Milk: 4.6

Easily one of my favorite genetic packages in the sale! Hmmm, before we talk about Dora’s infamous sire lets take a peak at her dam, Miss SNS Monica 756/6. Monica is the one and only existing flush mate full sister to the 2018 Reserve National Champion, Mr SNS Mighty Mouse 295/6.  Dora is the first calf produced by Monica and a very long awaited planned mating with the sire, Lawless. There was NO doubt the first planned mating with Monica was going to be with our senior herd sire, Lawless. We absolutely have started breeding Lawless and Mighty Mouse progeny and Dora is just a glimpse of what these powerful genetics can achieve. Dora is a moderate frame female that shows off her balance and tone while she’s on the move. The amount of rib shape and design this female portrays greatly compliments her sound feet, legs, and structural correctness. Dora has a sweet and curious personality with the body type and genetics of a donor.

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Sire:Mr SNS Lawless 225/4
Sire:Mr SNS Lawless 225/4

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