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Lot 6 - JDH Lady Manso 729

High bid
6 years 29 weeks 2 days 17 hours 4 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Manso 729
Registered Brahman
JDH Mr Manso 991/4
JDH Lady Manso 367/3
BW: 1.3 WW: 11.7 YW: 21.9 M: 1.8
J.D. Hudgins Inc.

Lot 6 JDH Lady Manso 729

If buying a proven genetic package interests you then you are going to love JDH Lady Manso 729. This female comes from the heart of our herd and is a proven producer. Not only does her production speak for itself but she is backed by one of the most proven pedigrees in the breed being a flushmate to JDH Lady Manso 730. 730 was a many time winner including division wins at both the National & International Shows and the dam of 139/1 who was one of the winningest females over the past two years accumulating 13 division and 4 championship titles. The sire to 729 is a bull that we sold in our Herd Reduction Sale to Alfredo Charur that has done both of us a top job. He produces outstanding females that are long, feminine, and eye appealing. +JDH Lady Manso 367/3 is one of our top donors having produced 28 calves with many being show winners and top sellers. Those that have seen 729 in person appreciated her moderate frame, deep rib, length of body and muscle that is confirmed by her ranking in the top 2% of the breed for Ribeye Area EPD. To complete this package, we strategically bred 729 to JDH Mr. Manso 638 making the resulting calf a full genetic mating to 139/1. This calf should be born in February and we are confident that it should be a great one as 638 was without a doubt our top producing sire last Spring.

ACTUAL BW: 60 EPDS: BW: 1.3 WW: 11.7 YW: 21.9 M: 1.8

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