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Lot - 5 - SRS MISS RITA 552/0

High bid
3 years 30 weeks 3 days 12 hours 38 min ago
Lot Information:
Sire: + MR V8 458/7 "NOBLE"
Dam: MISS RB 889/5 "IRIS"

SRS Miss Rita 552/0 is genetically the same as Kona 551/0 that also sells.  These females combine some of the most popular and proven genetics in the Brahman breed.  Of course everyone knows the impact that +Mr. V8 458/7 has played in the breed with numerous champions that most recently includes 3 of 4 Champions at the International Brahman Show which helped him receive the recognition of the #1 producing sire of the show.  It has been amazing to be a part of a sire that is destined to be a legend!  This proven success should not come as a surprise as “Noble” is the result of two National Champions and is a multiple trait leader.  The dam to Rita is a full sister to the National Champion, Reserve International Champion, and ABBA Show Bull of the Year Ring King” and the All American Champion Emma Prince”.  Miss RB 889/5 “Iris” is sired by +JADL Rey who Alfredo Muskus imported from Mexico and ultimately produced winners around the globe and out of +WR Ms. Marti Sid 071 who has been such a good producer for our partner RB Ranch that they have cloned her to keep her production continuing.  For those who like a complete package you will appreciate the performance profile of Rita that indicates that she should produce fast growing offspring that reach puberty earlier, are docile and carcasses that are heavy muscled and tender. We have always tried to build our program around proven genetics and are excited to be able to offer these to you!

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Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7 "Noble"
Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7 "Noble"

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