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Lot 46 - Miss Kallion 1091 x Mr. Kallion 1352 - 3 Female Sexed Embryos

High bid
4 years 3 weeks 6 days 12 hours 45 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Kallion 1091 x Mr. Kallion 1352 - 3 Female Sexed Embryos
Mr. Kallion 1352 #925514
Miss Kallion 1091 #858550
BW: 0.0 WW: 7.5 YW: 15.6 M: 6.5
Kallion Cattle Company

Purchase Price = Bid X 3

This female sexed embryo package is the result of crossing Mr. Kallion 1352 with a 14 year old proven donor.  You know the story of Mr. Kallion 1352 and his ability to produce low birthweight, moderate framed, stout built, heavy muscled and deep ribbed offspring with a naturally gentle disposition that have as much proven performance as any in the breed.  What you might not know about this package is the donor dam, Miss Kallion 1091, is a 14 year old cow.  For some having a 14 year old cow around might not seem all that uncommon but at Kallion Cattle Company they turn the generations rapidly and a if a cow sticks around until 14 she legitimately has STAYABILITY.  Kallion Cattle Company has retained a daughter of 1091 and sold a number of them to other progressive breeders.  Kallion Cattle Company is data driven with the commercial cattleman and consumer in mind.  Study this opportunity close and it could be a piece of the puzzle to get you closer to long term profitability and acceptability!

Selling a package of three (3) female sexed IVF embryos with a guarantee of one (1) 90 day pregnancy if implanted by a certified embryo technician.  If no pregnancy is achieved from the first three (3) embryos an additional embryo will be given. 

Other Lot Images
Donor Dam: Miss Kallion 1091
Donor Dam: Miss Kallion 1091

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