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Lot 38 - Miss V8 403/8 x +JDH Impression Manso - 3 Female Sexed Embryos

High bid
4 years 3 weeks 6 days 7 hours 27 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 403/8 x JDH Impression Manso - 3 Female Sexed Embryos
+JDH Impression Manso #887237
Miss V8 403/8 #946121
BW: 2.0 WW: 27.5 YW: 46.0 M: 4.0
Ward Cattle Company

Purchase Price = 3 X Bid

Ward Cattle Company is proud to consign three female sexed embryos from their donor Miss V8 403/8 crossed with +JDH Impression Manso 719/4 who is one of the most influential sires for Moreno Ranches.  As you study the pedigree of 403/8 you quickly realize that it is stacked!  She is sired by +Mr. V8 380/6 who sired more winners from 2011-2017 than any other sire helping propel him to the #2 Register of Renown Grey Sire in the breed.  To further enhance this outstanding pedigree, the dam to 403/8 is the 2005 International Champion and Register of Renown Cow, +Miss V8 228/6, who is also the dam to the 2012 International Champion and #1 top producing grey dam of show progeny for the past years, +Miss V8 137/7.  Wow, now that is impressive!  As mentioned before the sire to these embryos is +JDH Impression Manso 719/4 who has been the most influential sire for Moreno Ranches with numerous winners to his credit as validated by him reaching the Register of Renown.  Impression is a son of the National Champion +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso and out of a daughter of +JDH Charley’s Jazz 946/1.  Again, that signature cross of +V8 380/6 X +Elmo works every time and with the added maternal influence of this mating it could be special!

Guaranteeing one 90 day pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician.  If no pregnancy is achieved with the first 3 embryos, one additional embryo will be provided.  One AI Certificate will be provided free of charge on +JDH Impression Manso 719/4 with additional certificates available for $100/each.

Other Lot Images
Sire: JDH Impression Manso 719/4
Sire: JDH Impression Manso 719/4

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