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Lot 3 - TTT Ms Suvette Marti 812

High bid
9 years 34 weeks 2 days 20 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
TTT Ms Suvette Marti 812
JDH Martin Manso (818454)
TTT Ms Suvette 625 (888124)
BW: 3.4, WW: 23.4, YW: 40.0, MILK: 8.7

Femininity and Flawless is how we describe TTT Ms Suvette Marti 812. She is one that demands your attention from the minute you walk up to pen. She’s one of the most stylish females from our 2014 calf crop and we think she is ideal show heifer prospect for her future owner, just look at her pose!

“812” is a daughter of our senior herd sire and breed great, +JDH Martin Manso 879/3. +JDH Martin has produced top progeny for Tic Tac Toe Ranch and breeders across the globe. His progeny continue to dominate the U.S. show circuit. Back in 2006 he went into the registered of renown after just one calf crop from Tic Tac Toe Ranch, a feat rarely achieved by any bull. +JDH Martin continues to hit to produce outstanding cattle at Tic Tae Toe. +JDH Martin Manso is a direct son of the famous +JDH 449/1 bull produced by Forgason division and on the bottom side he goes back to +JDH 204 YL and MN Mayro 433 (breed greats). If you have visited the ranch lately, you’ve seen +JDH Martin as a 13 year old bull and he’s still impressive and stands on one of the most perfect set of feet and legs we have ever seen.

However we feel the bottom side of “812” is extra special and something that will quickly catch your eye. “812” is out of TTT Ms Suvette 625, a direct daughter of the famous +WR Mr Suva Jr 315 that was bred by Tammie in the 80’s. We never used Suva Jr 315 like we should have because he was so closely related to the majority of our cattle. However, when doing so, he produced top females like “812’s” dam. Additionally, if you research the bottom side of “812’s” pedigree you will find she goes back to TTT GUT Duda C Manso 919, a son of our famous +TTT 758 cow that might be one of the best producing cows ever at the ranch (The 758 produced an international reserve grand champion in Houston in the past 10 years, the TTT 244 cow).

We could go on forever about the maternal lines and cow families in “812’s” pedigree. They represent exactly what Tic Tac Toe is known for; powerful maternal producers. “812” is one to get excited about for various reasons and we look forward to seeing what the future has in store for this exciting and dynamic young female.

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