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Lot 3 - JDH Lady Tamia Manso 132/7

High bid
7 years 27 weeks 1 day 2 hours 24 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Tamia Manso 132/7
JDH Mr Manso 431/6
JDH Lady Manso 615/5
BW: 3.6 WW: 26.0 YW: 38.7 M: 6.4

“Mia” is from the top end of our replacement females.  “Mia” is a long, balanced nicely muscled looker that will surely stand at the top of any rancher’s herd.  Her sire 431/6 is a top producing young son of the International Champion bull, JDH Hawk Manso 666/5 and out of a JDH Prescott daughter.  Her dam is a fertile, superior producing cow that comes from some of our most consistent, quality producing bloodlines.  “Mia” excels in performance and growth among our best while retaining those all-important feminine qualities that add an elegance and class that sets her apart.

Disposition Score: 1

BW: 78   CURRENT WT: 945   REA: 1.10  IMF: 4.33

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