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Lot 29 - Mr. 4F Executive 42/8

High bid
4 years 27 weeks 1 day 21 hours 54 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. 4F Executive 42/8
Mr. V8 733/7 (P) "Polled Phenom"
JDH Lady Manso 993
BW: 2.9 WW: 16.9 YW: 30.8 M: 5.6

Real herd sire here!  This 20 month old performance tested bull has been semen tested and is ready to go to work.  Not only does 42/8 offer a balanced performance profile but an outstanding phenotype and a pedigree backed by some of the most proven genetics in the breed.  There is a lot to appreciate about this bull due to his stout structured build that is deep ribbed, thick ended, long and level made all in an attractive package.  Not only is he built right but is the result of two popular and proven parents.  His sire Mr. V8 733/7 “Polled Phenom” is a full brother to arguably the most popular bull in the breed +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” and is the result of +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso who is a former National Champion and now proven herd sire around the world and Miss V8 100/7 the ONLY Polled National Champion Cow in the breed.  The bottom side of Mr. 4F Executive’s pedigree consists of our headlining donor JDH Lady Manso 993 who is a daughter of JDH Mr. Manso 579/4 who recently sired the Mexican National Champion before passing away and out of a daughter of the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Atlas Manso.  We feel that a bull should meet the essential three P’s of Pedigree, Performance and Phenotype and there is no question that Mr. 4F Executive 42/8 checks all of these boxes.  Don't miss out on the opportunity to purchase a real herd sire prospect!


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