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Lot 27 - LMC ECC Polled Bliss 92/4

High bid
4 years 4 weeks 5 days 17 hours 18 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC ECC Polled Bliss 92/4
Polled Brahman Bull Calf Pair
LMC Polled Future 17/1
Miss V8 594/7
BW 2.4 WW 11.6 YW 21.5 Milk 4.4
La Muneca & England Cattle Co.

LMC ECC Polled Bliss is the product of two good neighbors & ole buddies helping each other. Back during the drought of 2013, we were out of grass, hay and ideas. I called Mike England to see how he could help and before we knew it, he was sending trailer loads of gin trash and growing hay for us. If not for Mike, we would have probably dispersed our cattle as it was tough with no hay to be found. We also sent a load of our keeper heifers with LMC Polled Future to Mike’s to graze, develop and breed. We agreed to partner on the calf crop and 92/4 was one of the better calves produced. MIL GRACIAS to the England family for their support !! 

92/4 as you can see in her photo is a very eye appealing female with lots of capacity, correctness and breed character. Her sire, LMC Polled Future won his class at the National Show and has produced lots of good cattle for us. We own him with our long time client and good friend Steve Watson. Polled Future’s dam comes from one of V8’s more productive cow families and is one of the premier donors in the SRS Cattle Co. herd. 

92/4’s dam is a beautiful & very feminine V8 cow now owned by Chris Allen. She is sired by the V8 51/6 Polled bull who was out of +V8 98/6, the Polled cow that put Rachel’s Polled program on the map many years ago. If you study 92/4’s pedigree, you will see that she is ¾ V8 and ¼ JDH. Her dam is as own daughter of the +JDH Sir Avery Manso bull that produced lots of great ones for V8. We sold an Avery daughter in one of our sales for $17,000 to Stephen Folse who produced him a great bull calf by LMC LF Polled King. 

Sells with a bull calf # 198/9, DOB 12/12/2019 sired by LMC FCC Polled Amigo 204/4. Exposed to our HOMOZYGOUS POLLED LMC LN Polled Pappo from 12/30/2019 to 3/11/2020. Two units of semen from any available LMC or ECC sires are available to AI this cow to. The bull calf can be branded with our brand or the buyer’s, their choice.


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