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Lot 26 - Mr. V8 191/7

High bid
9 years 36 weeks 1 day 15 hours 30 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. V8 191/7
+JDH Sir Avery Manso
+Miss V8 464/6
BW: +2.7 WW: +19.2 YW: +28.9

Bid price is per unit times the number of units selling.

Selling 5 units of semen.

Includes 5 AI Certificates, with additional certificates available for $250 each. Certificates will be released only to the name of one buyer. This will be the only offering of domestic semen on this bull for the remainder of 2014. 


2014 Reserve International Champion Bull and our #4 top selling semen sire worldwide with his semen only on the market for 3 months. This is our hottest young bull by far. His first calf crop has us nothing short of speechless. While he was at the Houston show this year, his first calves were being born back on the ranch and they are phenomenal. Powerful, thick, eye appealing and gentle. We are putting a lot of stock in this bull’s breeding ability for the future.


It’s no surprise that 191 has what is takes to breed as a great herd sire. Great bulls come from great cow families and his dam is the remarkable +Miss V8 464/6 female from the famed Claydesta cow family. A great young bull who produces calves with lots of muscle and a great disposition.


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