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Lot 19 - Ms. Lara 0/164

High bid
3 years 19 weeks 5 days 8 hours 7 min ago
Lot Information:
Ms. Lara 0/164
Sire: DB Southern Style 1/180
Dam: Moreno Ms. Lady Rosalinda
Consignor: Rodriguez Cattle Services

Mauricio Rodriguez has consigned a great set of heifers.  Ms. Lara 0/164 is a halter broke heifer that comes backed by a strong red pedigree that contains some of the breed’s greats!  The sire to 0/164 was purchased from Detering Red Brahmans and combines their two influential sires +Mr. BF Iron Man and +Mr. 3X HK Oro Rojo. The dam to 0/164 is a female that was purchased from Moreno Ranches and is sired by +SRS Mr. Captain Red Legs who was a Reserve International Champion but more importantly has sired a National Champion and an International Champion who both went on to be  ABBA Show Bulls of the Year.  It should be noted that the maternal grand dam to this heifer is sired by the iconic +HK Passport. 

Not only is 0/164 well bred but she is built right being sound structured, big boned, long, level, feminine and all in a dark red package.   

Females that combine these genetics and do it in a solid red package are hard to come by!


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