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Lot 19 - Bobwhites & Bloody's - Guided Morning Hunt with dogs for 4 on Cozad Ranch - (2020-21 Season)

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3 years 26 weeks 4 days 15 hours 17 min ago
Lot Information:
Bobwhites & Bloody's - Guided Morning Hunt with dogs for 4 on Cozad Ranch - (2020-21 Season)
Donor - Asa Cozad & Ralph Armendariz

We are very proud to have Asa Cozad, an ex-Brewster School Quarterback join our LSMCIC Board of Directors to fill the vacant spot left by the passing of his Dad Johnny. Both Johnny and his late wife Jane were awesome VOLUNTEEERS for our community for many years as Brewster School parents, scholarship interviewers to donors, at LSMCIC Country Cook-Offs and now our LSMCIC Round-Ups. A BIG HEARTY THANKS to the Cozad family for their past support and future efforts as our next generation gets more involved in taking over our LSMCIC community leadership efforts.


“Bobwhites and Bloodys”


Asa Cozad and Ralph Armendariz will host four (4) eager quail hunters for a morning hunt on the Cozad Ranch in Linn, TX. With plentiful summer and fall rains, this season looks to be a bumper year for quail.  Come early and load your shotgun for a great time in the South Texas brush country. Dogs and guide provided. Afterwards fill your glass with a special Bloody Mary from Ralph and enjoy a brisket lunch.


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