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Lot 19- 10 Units of LMC FCC Polled Amigo Semen

High bid
4 years 10 weeks 3 days 13 hours 12 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC FCC Polled Amigo 204/4
LMC LF Ambassador 700/7
JDH Lady Manso 217
BW 1.8, WW 34.9, YW 48.0, Milk 4.4
Forgason Cattle Co.-La Muneca

Lot 19

SELLING ten units of LMC FCC Polled Amigo 204/4 semen with 20 ABBA NONTRANSFERABLE AI Certificates as per ABBA rules. Extra certificates will cost $200 per certificate.  The buyer of this semen is responsible for registration of all calves produced by this semen. Selling by the unit x 10 in $10 increments.

Polled Amigo is one of the heaviest boned POLLED bulls in the business. His dam has been very productive for our partner and long time friend Dr. Richard Forgason and his family. She is the dam of the WOW COW 929 who had a 6.96% IMF and is one of the highest ever measured in the Brahman breed. I was excited when Doc asked me if we would like to share genetics and breed some of the best polled cattle possible. Polled Amigo is one result of that effort. Our ole buddy Tim Lockhart who has videoed lots of cattle for us, thinks he is the best Brahman he has ever videoed at LMC.

We have bred Polled Amigo to several cows and like his calves as they are high performing, growthy, good looking cattle that can compete in all arenas. His sire has been our GO TO sire who has done us a great job of producing THE COWMAN’S KIND that always are productive, competitive and sell well. This is the 4th semen package to ever sell on this outstanding young sire. We plan to continue to use him in our program and are proud to share his goodness with the Brahman World.


Other Lot Images
DAM - one of our top three picks of Dr. Richard Forgason's herd. Dam of the WOW COW with a 6.96% IMF
DAM - one of our top three picks of Dr. Richard Forgason's herd. Dam of the WOW COW with a 6.96% IMF
Other Lot Images
DAUGHTER - future donor out of one of our top Double A cows sired by +MR V8 901/4
DAUGHTER - future donor out of one of our top Double A cows sired by +MR V8 901/4

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