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Lot 16 - Embryos: +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9 X +SNS Miss Karu Didor 95

High bid
1 year 26 weeks 5 days 12 hours 31 min ago
Lot Information:
Lot 16 - Embryos: +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9 X +SNS Miss Karu Didor 95
Sire: : +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9 #885689
Dam: +SNS Miss Karu Didor 95 #815074

Purchase Price = 3 X Bid


RARITY!!!! Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase an embryo package that combines two of the most influential animals in the breed.  The dam to this package is +SNS Miss Karu Didor 95 who is best known as producing the 2010 International Champion +Lady H Lisa Manso 947/7 who produced the 2022 International Champion Grey Female.  In addition to Lisa the dam to this embryo package produced 30 other progeny that includes 5 show winners and other herd influencers.  The sire to this package is the 2012 National Champion and ABBA Show Bull of the Year +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9 who is backed by a straight J.D. Hudgins pedigree.  You simply cannot script a better pedigree and more exclusive opportunity that was is being offered!

 Due to only having three embryos by this mating and wanting to offer them to the public there is no guarantee.


Other Lot Images
Sire of Embryos: +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9
Sire of Embryos: +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9
Other Lot Images
Maternal Half Sibling to Embryos - +Lady H Lisa Manso 947/7
Maternal Half Sibling to Embryos - +Lady H Lisa Manso 947/7

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