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Lot 11 - Miss Dubina Rose 149/4

High bid
5 years 25 weeks 4 days 12 hours 27 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Dubina Rose 149/4
+JDH Sir Shank Manso
+Miss V8 458/6
BW: 1.5 WW: 16.4 YW:32.5 M:4.1
Dubina Rose Ranch

Miss Dubina Rose 149/4 is the only bred cow in the sale.  Dubina Rose Ranch has been one of the longest clients of Infinity Cattle Services and committed their best to this first time event.  This top female offers some of the most proven genetics in the breed that due to their popularity and age have become rare.  The sire to 149/4 is +JDH Sir Shank Manso 51/7 who has sired over 300 progeny and countless show winners at all levels.  Not only is Shank a proven sire but is the result of the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Lawford Manso that has sired over 25 herd sires for J.D. Hudgins and out of an extremely maternal dam that has produced a Maternal Merit Cow.  Due to the popularity of Shank there is limited semen available with none of it being female sexed.  Although the sire side of this pedigree is impressive it is equally matched by the Register of Renown Dam, +Miss V8 458/6, who among other wins was the Grand Champion at the 2007 All American.  +Miss V8 458/6 is a full sister to the many time champion and proven donor for V8 Ranch +Miss V8 663/6 and combines some of the most maternally oriented genetics in the breed.  In addition to a proven pedigree that consists of 10 Register of Renowns and two Vanguard Sires Miss Dubina Rose 149/4 is extremely fertile calving first at 29 months of age and has a beautiful udder.  To further add to this impressive production oriented package 149/4 charts positive for 10 economically relevant traits.  To complete this opportunity 149/4 sells 5-6 months bred to Mr. V8 740/7 #933731 a top son of +JDH Avery Manso out of +Miss V8 58/6 the dam to Mr. V8 274/7 “George” and Miss V8 997/6 the dam of the $70,500 high seller in the recent V8 Online Sale and their headlining show bull Mr. V8 933/7.  If you are looking for the complete package be sure to mark this one as a must have!

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