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Lot 11 - JDH Lady Manso 271/1

High bid
6 years 29 weeks 2 days 13 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Manso 271/1
Registered Brahman
JDH Mr Manso 779/4
JDH Lady Manso 842
BW: 2.7 WW: 17.6 YW: 27.5 M: 4.6
J.D. Hudgins Inc.

Lot 11 JDH Lady Manso 271/1

Wow, Wow Wow! I think we saved the best for last! Look at this super feminine, long bodied, stylish made female! Her phenotype is only a teaser as she offers one of the absolute best and freshest pedigrees that we can offer. Her sire is the former National Calf Champion and TJBA Grand Champion Bull, JDH Mr. Manso 779/4. We really like 779 due to his practical build and ability to sire cattle that are moderate, deep ribbed, razor sharp down their topline and big boned. Most breeders will recognize the top side of this 271’s pedigree but the most progressive cattlemen will recognize the significance of her dam, JDH Lady Manso 842. 842 is one of our up and coming donors who offers a proven pedigree being a full sister to JDH Mr. Manso 837 the All American Champion bull and now one of our leading herd sires. In addition, 842 calved one day after turning three years old (dead gum it!) and has calved every year even backing up a month this past year. The maternal grand dam to 271/1, +JDH Lady Manso 286/4, is truly one of our matriarchs having produced three showring winners and two herds sires. The more I write, the more I think maybe we should keep this one! I failed to mention that 271/1 is a full sister to JDH Lady Manso 69/1 that was sold to The Richard Lambert Family for $13,000 that they have done so well with. Don’t miss this one as these genetics are hard to obtain and only in this once a year event would we consider letting them go!

ACTUAL BW: 70 EPDS: BW: 2.7 WW: 17.6 YW: 27.5 M: 4.6

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