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Lot 1 - LMC LF Muneca 167/4

High bid
9 years 1 week 5 days 20 hours 13 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC LF Muneca 167/4
Brahman Heifer
LMC Polled Madison 133/0
E3 Hateya
BW 2.8, WW 23.2, YW 35.0, Milk 3.8
STAR GALA Heifer Group

LMC LF Gala Muneca 167/4 sold at the STAR GALA 1/17/2015 with 100% of the proceeds going to the STAR GALA. She was donated by Enrique & Patti Ramos and friends. She was bought by the STAR GALA Heifer group who have redonated her to sell in this sale to raise more funds for the STAR Scholarship Program.  100% of the proceeds will go to fund scholarships for our Hidalgo County 4-H and FFA students that are graduating from high school this year and have participated in the STAR SHOW.

She is ten months old in this photo and is going to make a great show heifer plus is the kind of female that a great herd can be built around.  Her ABBA # is 928409.  She has a star studded pedigree with Register of Renown Sires +JHD Lawford Manso, +Sugarland's Rexcrata 1, +Mr. V8 700/3, +JDH Remington Manso, +WR Suva, +JDH Madison de Manso, +JDH Datapack Manso and +LMC LF Ambassador.

She is sired by our LMC Polled Madison that has done our partner Ava Barker a great job of producing heavy muscled, correct, good looking  cattle with lots of breed character.  She has the look, the bone, the muscle, the power and the blood to make a great one. 

Help yourself and help the great 4-H and FFA kiddos of Hidalgo County in the process. She is halter broke and  qualifies for all of the LMC Jr. Benefits. England Cattle, Louie Flores and La Muneca will donate two units of semen from any of our available bulls for the new owners to AI this heifer.

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