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Lot 1 - JDH MR GUSS MANSO 589/0 ET

High bid
5 years 2 weeks 2 days 4 hours 11 min ago
Lot Information:
BW: 2.1 WW: 14.9 YW: 27.0 M: 4.5

JDH Mr. Guss Manso 589/0 will be a sale feature as he combines a stout build being big structured, deep ribbed, heavy muscled and big testicled with a pedigree that consists of two of the most recognizable animals in the breed.  He is sired by the National Champion JDH Mr. Manso 840 “The Graduate” that has yielded outstanding results not only for J.D. Hudgins but for others who have used him in the US and beyond.  Not only does JDH Mr. Manso 840 have an impressive show record but is backed by a pedigree that consists of some of the most proven genetics of J.D. Hudgins-Forgason Cattle Company to include the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Atlas Manso and a Register of Renown Dam resulting in him being a full brother to +JDH Mr. Manso 854/4.  Most everyone can appreciate the top side of this pedigree but the dam to JDH Mr. Guss Manso 589/0 will be an equal drawing card to this lot.  JDH Miss Julia Manso 226/0 is best known as having recently produced the Grand Champion Grey Female at the 2018 National Show & 2019 International Show.  Julia was a former champion for J.D. Hudgins-Goudeau Division never placing below 4th place at any show and accumulated 2 Reserve Division Titles.  Show ring titles are nice but the production of this great female far overshadows any other accolades having produced over 20 progeny. In addition to her proven production record Julia is backed by an outstanding pedigree consisting of 3 Vanguard & 2 Register of Renown Award Winners in the first two generations!  The students of the breed will recognize the value of the pedigree of 226/0 as she is sired by the National Champion and Global Breed Influencer +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso and out of a proven dam that has already produced one herd sire and two more donor dams.  As you go one generation back on the bottom side of Julia’s pedigree you see the iconic and maternal influencer (+)JDH Mr. Charley Manso and +JDH Lady Manso 251/9 who is the dam of the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Atlas Manso along with 3 Register of Renown Daughters.  The +JDH Lady Manso 251/9 influence would have to be one of the most significant in the Brahman breed with only her daughter’s production accounting for over 300 registrations in the ABBA.  JDH Mr. Guss Manso combines a phenotypic and genetic package that can propel a program overnight! Selling full possession. Semen restricted to in herd use only.

Doc score: 1      Act BW: 72    Current wt: 1605   Frame Score: 7.5   SC: 38

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