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Lot 7 - JDH Mr Manso 524/1

High bid
1 year 51 weeks 3 days 21 hours 31 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Mr Manso 524/1
Sire: JDH Mr Manso 110/1
Dam: JDH Lady Manso 87/1
BW: 3.9 WW: 17 YW: 25 M: 9


One of the most commonly asked questions that we receive from prospective buyers is regarding the disposition of the bulls.  We can safely say that JDH Mr. Manso 524/1 is one of the gentlest bulls in this offering.  This powerfully built, growthy, deep ribbed, and long made bull is a son of JDH Mr. Manso 110/1 who combines +JDH Mr. Manso 854/4 and the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Karu Manso 800.  These are two of the most performance-oriented sires in the breed.  The dam to 524/1 is sired by our influential herd sire JDH Mr. Manso 579/4 and out of a daughter of JDH Sage Manso 92/1.  The JDH Mr. Manso 579/4 and +JDH Mr. Manso 854/4 is a proven mating.  As you might expect from this pedigree 524/1 ranks in the top 10% of the breed for Milk EPD and charts positive for BOTH Ribeye Area and Marbling.

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Sire: JDH Mr. Manso 110/1
Sire: JDH Mr. Manso 110/1

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